Why it’s the highest quality petfood in Indonesia
They know they make Indonesia’s most nutrient dense pet food. They are 100% confident of that and have been wooed by a number of high profile petfood companies to sell their high quality meats directly to them.
But wanaprasta keep their hard earned treasures in house resulting in a balanced raw food diet that guarantees the maintenance of your pets best possible health outcomes.
So who is wanaprasta pastured organic?
They are an organic and environmentally respectful farm cooperative based in northern Bali. They raise animals for food as a complete antithesis of the factory farm system. Respectful and natural outdoor living are the natural order of things.The standard abuses of food animals from the darkness of the factory farm system is not their way.
99.9% of petfood is sourced from the factory system. Then, to make matters worse, 90% of petfood in modern times is filled out with waste cereals like rice, wheat or corn. In a twist against nature we now feed grass cereals to carnivores in a way we disastrously fed meat waste proteins to herbivores. Resulting in the now infamous mad cow outbreaks. We now recognise that plant cereals in a carnivores diet is a long term disaster.
In 4 out of 4 key areas our petfood wins on:
Being a free range pastured organic farm cooperative Wanaprasta pastured Organic’s environmental credentials are easily the highest of any other petfood currently available anywhere else in Indonesia. It’s not an exaggeration either.
Wanaprasta doesn’t allow chemical pesticides, hormones or saturation antibiotics on their farms. They work hard to keep the air, water and soil as pristine as possible with a stated goal of working with Nature rather than against it.
As for quality, Wanaprasta Pastured Organic stand head and shoulders above even the most “exclusive” factory farm sourced petfood. Pastured organic meats regularly score on a 40% higher nutrient level than factory farm meats, eggs and dairy. Pastured organic omega 3s are explosively higher, and the bio availability of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is beyond anything the factory farm can duplicate.
Most people are already aware of the substantial nutritional advantages of pastured organic meat, egg and dairy.
Perhaps you can now see why Wanaprasta Pastured organic refuse rice fillers to fill out their petfood with less meat, lowering the quality but cheapening the food nutrient standards.
Wanaprasta clearly seek to offer a petfood quality that has few, if any peers in South East Asia.
It’s hard to argue with their intentions.
But perhaps this is where things get interesting.
For all the advantages in nutrient quality. The advantages in environmental responsibility including some very serious advantages in supporting the quality of life of farm animals. The very clear research based recognition of health benefits for your pet companions and a willingness to NOT support factory farm systems that focus on industrial abuse of sentient beings in nightmare conditions.
Seriously, for those who care about animal welfare, the factory farm system is the worst possible option imaginable.
All of this comes at a cost right?
Then I’d like to understand how Wanaprasta Pastured Organic petfood price is on par with lower quality cereal saturated petfood? I would like to understand how Wanaprastas prices match with petfoods sourced from the abusive excesses of the factory farm system?
The price is the biggest surprise of all. I compared the prices of factory farm sourced petfood with the petfood supplied by Wanaprasta Pastured Organic. It shocked me to recognise that petfood suppliers, who generally offered the waste products of factory farm systems, were typically more expensive. Some of them, even reduce the quality of their offer further by adding cereal fillers. Yet their prices remain comparatively high.
One can only assume it’s the packaging that must be making them more expensive? Its certainly not the quality of their ingredients which are typically at the lower end of the quality scale.
Even a comparison with canned pet foods, the most saturated with processed cereals, highlights the quality of Wanaprasta Pastured Organics petfood.
On price, Wanaprasta is very confident in their value for money. They welcome comparison with any of the lower quality products available in the market.
Wanaprasta Pastured Organic is committed to the philosophy of the biologically raw food movement (BARF). A huge worldwide movement created by veterinarians to address plummeting pet health caused by the introduction of mass waste cereals into dog and cat food.
In a story with parallels to the mad cow disease outbreak amongst humans in the 80s, where plant eating ruminates like cows, were being fed “protein pellets” made from waste meat. Frighteningly, the last 25 years has seen petfoods mostly now comprise plant cereals with meat as a flavouring. Many pet health issues are a direct consequence of these dietary disasters. Agriculture and food gone awry. Plant eaters eating meat and meat eaters now mostly consuming plants!!!!😳
Such “advances” in agricultural production is a great reminder for those of us who prefer to trust Nature over modern magic. It’s also a reminder that biologically appropriate raw food is Nature’s way, and the best answer for your pets health.
Wanaprasta pastured organic is a committed partner, and continues to offer environmentally responsible, extremely high nutritional quality petfood at a price that should shame all factory farmed petfoods on the market.
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