Exciting free stuff

Jon Leonard

Everyone loves free stuff. Especially if it’s yummy, educational and/or eye opening.

So we hope we can achieve one or all of these outcomes!

Its true that we have plans for exciting freebies over the next month so stay tuned.

Our first freebie offerings will introduce you to our wide scope of R & D in food, health and personal care.

Freebies will range from shampoo, petfood, mosquito repellents and respiratory and oral care products.

Some products reflect ancient remedies and traditional healing found amongst farmer folk. Other freebies are just us showing off the things we can do better or more environmentally than others 😉

We don’t show off what we do much but now we have this website platform it’s going to be quite exciting to show off a bit more 🙂

I hope you catch up with the next blog as I describe our botanically focused, environmentally wonderful shampoo journey. Watch out for our release of samples in the coming week.

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