Raw Wild Harvested Honeys
There are two main kinds of insects that offer a harvest of honey. One is known as the Apis and the other the Meliponia. We offer honey from both insect families but, in both cases, we try to specialise in the wild honeys from untouched forests. So for the Apis species we focus on the Dorsata. A huge black undomesticated bee that creates gigantic open hives under the branches of massive trees. The honey collectors trek deep into wild forests, climb hundreds of feet up at some risk and collect large quantities of liquid honey.
When collected sustainably and responsibly the honey should only be available inside a short window of opportunity each year. Harvesting the honey outside that window harms the hives health. We only support honey that is responsibly and respectfully harvested. The honey is then refrigerated to limit fermentation and keep the honey at its best. The honey does ferment quickly if stored out of a cool temperature but this doesn't affect the taste and only adds a visible bubbling effect. But the key is always refrigeration.