Personal care
Yes we prioritise ............respect, love and commitment towards the environment.
Yes we want to ......... pamper your body with Natures natural wonders rather than factory made synthetics.
Yes our intention is to entire rural communities and their environments with income. Supporting organically grown, renewable, botanical treasures over smoke stacks and test tubes.
Yes we have developed......entirely natural body foams, shampoos, healing soaps, moisturisers, skin and oral care products and repellents to help you protect, cleanse and caress your body. Using some of the world’s rarest and most expensive natural fragrances. Offerings like ylang ylang, clove, patchouli, purusha, massoia, vetiver and oudh.
I know you may wonder how we can create natural alternatives from some of the world’s most expensive botanicals and keep our prices well below supermarket or salon products with a much lazier environmental commitment and even lower quality ingredients?
So why don’t our costs go through the roof?
Start by refusing a plastic container. Keep it natural, keep it as raw as possible. With no plastic you are no longer paying an exorbitant price for mere water! With supermarket or salon shampoos 80% of their volumes is in fact water!
So bars instantly offer an 80% reduction in volume and weight. A fraction of the storage, transportation and packaging requirements. No marketing budget necessary to spin low quality ingredients into gold.
Asking consumers to add their own water at the end of the chain has created a revolution in environmental advantages and significantly reduced costs.
With bars instead of bottles your hip pocket wins and so does the environment.
We call it going solid and adding water when needed.
Such a rethink in the bathroom offers serious advantages. But it requires a little more effort and awareness from consumers. Natural products have a shorter use by date counted in months rather than years. Products become more like food, keeping a ticking clock of freshness over a period of months.
But the advantages are huge and for us at wanaprasta that win starts with the environment.
For others the win connects with fewer but higher quality botanical ingredients being applied to your body instead of a myriad concoction of complex chemicals, synthetics and surfactants.
Others may cite the boost to rural economies.
Whichever way you look, the clearest advantage is the win win for the planet and the people who serve it.