Meat is a super nutrient rich nutrient food.

As a super food there is nothing comparable in the natural world. Certainly nothing in the plant kingdom.

But not all meat is created equal.

Natural meat rearing preserves the natural environment. Living in harmony with the natural balance. Its also a superfood with no equal. To reap the biggest superfood benefits of meat you absolutely have to source pastured free range meats and the reasons why become quickly obvious.

It’s all resting on how strong you want your immune system to be. Because pastured free range offers a boost that no other food can match:

Up to 4 times more omega-3 fatty acids than meat from intensive farmed animals.

And not just the medium chain omega-3s you get from seed oils, which your body has to put extra effort into converting. But the powerful long chain omega-3s you normally only get from fish oils.

Its pastured meats that give you the extra kick to protect your heart and brain health. Controlling inflammation and supercharge your immune system.

But there is more.

Conjugated linoleic acid. Considered one of the most potent defenses against cancer, its up to 5 times more concentrated in pastured meats than in intensively farmed meats. Vitamin levels in pastured meats is also up to 4 times higher than intensively farmed meat.

It comes down to this..... you would have to eat at least 4 intensively reared chickens to match the health and nutritional benefits of a single pastured chicken. Its the same for all meat derived products. With Eggs its seven times!  Seven intensively reared eggs will equal one pastured organic egg.

Organic meat and dairy is also limited in the same way. Intensively reared animals can also be fed organic produce to earn the label of organic. But they are still not pastured and often retain the same nutrient deficiencies of other factory farmed animals.

Pastured meat absolutely dominates the nutritional superfood category regardless of plant or meat based origin.

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