Wanaprasta pastured bone broths are comfortably the finest available in South East Asia.

Why do we make that claim?

It’s because our bone broths are made exclusively from pastured organic animals raised in natural conditions on grass and forest. This means that our bone broths will contain the highest nutritional profile, far superior to intensively farmed and much higher omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids than mere organic bone broths.

Let me give you an example that you may find surprising. Pastured animals contain up to 4 times the nutritional profile in key areas. In layman’s terms, eating one pastured organic chicken packs the nutritional punch of 4 factory farm zombie chickens.

Pasturing animals is a critical factor in bone broth nutritional quality. It's so significant that bone broths made from non pastured animals are hardly worthy of nutritional comparison.

As a specialist pastured organic farmers we know the bones generally reflect the conditions of rearing animals without reliance on hormones, antibiotics, probiotics, and vitamin D supplements in the Asian Market.

Our achievement is to offer the highest concentration of bone broth omega 3, vitamins, and minerals in the Asian Market.

It’s win win!

The birds live happier, more sociable lives in cleaner more responsible environments. The farmers are happier because they can work their land naturally and in balance without the non organic toxins and the customers are happier because they get a much higher nutritional bang for their buck with the added peace of mind knowing they’re not swallowing bucketloads of antibiotics and pesticides.